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Tellz Of Ze GWi

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Now that all the WSOP shananigans are through...
  GWi, Jul 16 2009

Wife is better so we're going to Vegas for a few months. Staying mainly at the Orleans, because we did well there back on our honeymoon. Even though I'm 24 I'm totally gonna take a Clark Griswold approach wardrobe wise (fanny pack, mint green shorts that reach about 4 inches above my knees, and some r-tard shirt) for like the first week @ the 1/2 tables... I should probably get one of those green see-through visors. I probably won't be doing that at the orleans so much as the strip casinos during pre-afternoon/immediate post-afternoon hours. Later bitchez.

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Pray for my wife plz
  GWi, Jun 06 2009

My wife is in the hospital because she lost the... well I don't exactly know how to put this... but she lost all strength in her lower extremeties... She can feel her legs, like if you just barely brush against her skin, and she can move her feet (from ankles to toes)... however she can't put any weight on her legs and she cannot walk at all. She's a math teacher @ the local high school (where i graduated from) and after she got out of school she went to the DMV to get a new license with her new name on it, anyway she collapsed and could not get up for several minutes... When she did manage to get up, she some how managed to drive to our house where she collapsed again in the driveway, again for a few minutes. She came in the house and she was crying... My initial thoughts were "fuck she had a bad day at school again" (she teaches "alternative" students, the ones who come from way fucked up homes and are abused, use drugs etc etc). Then she told me about the collapsing and feeling absolutely weak all around... Okay, given she has had mono 3-4 times in her life (yes epstein bar tests have proven this)... Anyway we took her to the emergency room (obviously) and the ER staff gave her a small dose of morphine because of a headache she had, then she was later transferred to a better hospital about 60 miles away... She met with a neurologist and was MRI'ed for TWO HOURS, head to toe. the tests showed no signs of brain tumors, or any other sign of tumors etc. Anyway she has been on diet pills for a long long long time and the 2nd neurologist that we met with came in and told the family to leave and proceded to call her a drug addict and told her that she was faking and needed to 'fess up. He looked at her tox screening and saw that she tested postive for amphetamines and opiates (diet pills + morphine @ previous hospital), so i guess he just automatically assumed she was looking for drugs... even though she turned down another morphine shot in place of Extra Strength Tylenol @ the new hospital ( SURE SOUNDS LIKE DRUG SEEKING BEHAVIOR TO ME.... U?!?! ).

Anyways, the most information that we have received was from the physical therapist who said "things like this happen a lot around here"... and the only thing that the neurologist recommended was "you should take physical therapy"... Okay physical therapy is great... but NORMALLLY you take physical therapy AFTER you find out what is wrong with you... right? I mean come onnnnnnnnnnn!!!

Thanks for reading, hopefully this will pass... but then again what if it recurs? I dunno.. I dont post many places, but I just needed to get this off my chest... Especially since we were supposed to go to vegas in 2 weeks for the summer and have nothing but a great time... I hope that you all pray (even if you don't pray [include me in that sub-group]) that she will get better and never have this happen to her again...

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Good to be married...
  GWi, Apr 05 2009

Yeah, 24, married for about 7 months now. (i know my life is over, i'm missing out blah blah blah). Anyway my wife has been playing poker a couple more years than I have, and I let her play on my account last Sunday... Anyway, she makes it to the final table of the $10 re-buy 70k guaranteed over 100k in the prize pool. About 4 or 5 handed i asked her how she was doing and she said "I have about 9 million in chips" I respond with "oh, shit! what's 2nd?" she replies "about 3 million". Anyway long story short she busted shaundeeb who came in 3rd I believe, and beat some other nerd who had his fanboys dick riding him through out the final table for a nice $15,800~ score. BAM! Now she can pay off her maxed out credit cards (joy).

Ze GWi

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